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How to get to Viña Concha y Toro by car?

If you want to get there easily, you can get there using Google Maps or Waze.

Now, if you want detailed instructions so you don’t get lost, we leave you a step by step:

  1. Take the Vespucio Sur highway. (towards the south)
  2. Depending on where you come from:
    1. If you are coming from east to west from the city: turn right at “Exit 39 Departamental Vicuña Mackenna”. Once off the highway, continue straight and parallel to it until you reach Avenida Vicuña Mackenna. At that corner, turn left and continue along Vicuña Mackenna to the south.
    2. If you are coming from west to east from the city: turn right at “Exit 39 Vicuña Mackenna”. Immediately take your right and half a block later turn right onto Avenida Vicuña Mackenna and continue south. Pay attention to the street change. Approximately 5 kilometers later, Vicuña Mackenna changes its name to Avenida Concha y Toro. Follow the road.
  3. Follow Concha y Toro: Follow Concha y Toro until you cross the Maipo River over the San Ramón bridge and, when Avenida Concha y Toro ends, turn right: you will have reached Virginia Subercaseaux Avenue 210 The first entrance on the right is Concha y Toro Vineyard.

You have reached your destination!